Customer stories>Clarion Hotel The Hub

Helping guests and charities for Norway's biggest hotel

Iluta Skromane-Almo in hotel reception

As the largest hotel in Norway, Clarion The Hub in Oslo, situated in the heart of the city, offers numerous possibilities to a diverse array of guests arriving from around the world.

The team at the hotel do all possible efforts to reunite their guests with their lost items. The remaining unclaimed items are auctioned and the money is donated to fx children in Gaza, Ukraine, or Breast Cancer Foundation.

With 810 rooms, gym & wellness facilities, 2 bars, restaurant, a unique rooftop, and a conference area exceeding 3,000 sqm, there is a lot of items. Even after donating thousands of NOK, they also donate clothing to homeless people in Oslo.

Faundit - bring back favourite things

Mastering Optimizing Lost & Found Services

Even with 810 rooms, the teams at Clarion The Hub aim to provide the best service to their guests and stay one step ahead. That's why they chose Faundit as their Lost & Found platform and have become experts in its use, registering up to 50 lost items per day.

They have found the best way to work with Lost & Found within the Housekeeping team. Housekeeping takes responsibility for registering all found items and handing them to the Front Office. The Front Office, via PMS integration with Mews, then contacts the guests whose items are lost.

Iluta Skromane-Almo, Style Manager at Clarion Hotel The Hub
"Working in a hotel with 810 rooms, efficiency is key. Thanks to Faundit, we have the structure to offer guests a personalized service and help charities."
Iluta Skromane-Almo, Style Manager at Clarion Hotel The Hub

Guests truly appreciate this proactive approach, receiving an email about their forgotten items before realizing they left them behind. This is possible thanks to an automated process like Faundit, enabling both guests and teams to have a better experience with Lost & Found.

Generating full value of all their Lost & Found, they ensure that all items have value. Faundit helps maintain structure of all their items and organize which items to return to guests and which items to donate with ease.